Sunday, December 22, 2019

Can we stop a Catastrophic Future!

Global Warming refers to significant changes in global temperature, unpredictable wind pattern and other to measures of climate that occurs over several decades or longer. For the last couple of centuries, this change has made a notable impact on our Biophysical environment and eco-system which aggressively destroys the earth’s biodiversity.

Rising sea level, Atmospheric hotness, Ozone Depletion, and few human activities which went out of control for instance: Deforestation, Ocean acidification, Human Population, poor waste management in a massive quantity and aggressive urban sprawl are the global activity which ignites Global warming.

While exploring the root cause of how it affects life on earth, Life form on planet earth is carbon-based including humans. The carbon supports our life is CO, it holds one carbon molecule and one oxygen molecule. It gets complicated when humans release colorless carbon dioxide gas with a density of 60 percent higher than the dry air. Carbon dioxide consists of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms which do not provide a habitable atmosphere for any living organism.

A couple of months ago, I’ve visited Delhi. Air Quality Index was displayed in the Delhi metro station. It showcased Delhi’s pollution level of 439 AQI (Air Quality Index) during the peak level of air pollution where countries like Canada only had 9 AQI on the same day. however, during this study, I felt a shock wave within myself after witnessing this scale which shows three Degree of Climate Destabilization. It showcases warning levels of raising Global Temperature and how hard it’s gonna hit the existence of all life forms. Climate Activist Greta Thunberg’s voice on “We are at the beginning of mass extinction” knocked my head after understanding the general idea on Global Warning and climate justice in-depth. 

This exploration leads me to find the changes on planet earth in specific to ever-changing yet unpredictable climatic conditions via NASA’s earth observatory. The website presented a 50-second video on the drastic change in earth’s climate which gradually increased from the little ice age to the current time (1885 to 2014) temperature raising from -2.5 to +2.5.
 I also came across the keeling curve graph of the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere based on continuous measurements taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory on the island of Hawaii from 1958 to the present day which technically shows how our global development via industrialization has pulling growth of the lifespan of each lifeform.

Nature never disappoints to fascinate, during this study I came across few types of natural phenomena include Permafrost in geology, causes of extreme Weather and fog, thunder, tornadoes; decomposition, germination; physical processes, erosion; tidal flow, and natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. Global warming disturbs all these earth’s nature happenings and places environment in a catastrophic position where life forms may not able to adapt or sustain.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Being You...

As most of you are aware , we are in the era where the entire society is talking about the prime elements of the end of the world , call for rapid change and care for the mother earth and some where in bits and pieces people talk, amidst all that the society at large many speak but nothing comes out in practice and amidst fast changing society the trends have changed to look up to a whole lot of development but side by side the main cross roads of individual values, respect , care and concern is a doubt, from the small issues in our day to day life to the injustices that happen to women and to a whole lot of problems that go unnoticed, this is a society where we live in, from the recent incidents of brutality to the call from a nobody to a somebody and suddenly the world looks up to her as change, personally trends have changed but people haven't to my knowledge of understanding . I have been personally listening to incidents for almost a decade and hardly things have changed nor i have made little attemps to change in my livelihood.
Likewise understanding the fact, there must certainly br quite a lot of people who must not be aware of these instances that the entire world is encountering annd they must be worried about their own livelihood.
So is this the end? Understanding the Society at large do we look up to our world alone or do we feel accountable to our society at large ! Is what i believe is the question we need to seriously look into.Amidst the fast moving world i believe if we as an individual can look upto our values and being accountable to our own actions will be our simple solution to cater to a whole lot of talking that our world is speaking about..

Taking care for our words and being accountable for our actions is the best thing we can look up to do to be there to safeguard our society for Survival.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Who in the World Am I?

As most of you know, I’m Joseph Kamal Francis, Profession as a Banker, Passionate Blogger, YCS’er and adolescence friendly life skill trainer in India.

I ask to all off near and dear ones from all around the world to understand the rich & unique experience of our Society By understanding the facts based on reality, I believe it will definitely make oneself to care and love to whole new level.

Being part from rich and diversity land and at the same time, I’m aware & feeling so special to be with personalities from unique land, culture, tradition, language and heritage who is about to listen somethings about a journey. A Journey which is hard to fade away in time.

A Journey which defines us, from generation to generation where we have been rising up but there is a greater call this special hour, where our question of relevance is deeply doubted? And it is here, I ask each and every friend inside this environment to travel in my journey for next few min.

A Journey where helping young mind by being a support system to understand the society & it’s problem which is evolving every single hour. A Journey towards equity in the smallest level, and that every tiny drop will soon be an ocean of balanced communities.

A journey where we must help young mind to care and protect our common home. Where we need to make this world inclusive, sustainable, Human as well as other species friendly.

Every Journey deserves a master plan and a voice to executive the master plan. Every journey requires a voice to the voiceless, every journey needs a quality leader who can teaches how to help the common man to help her/himself. A journey which can unite, connect, bridge young minds to grow god’s kingdom.

A Journey where voices are in a great need to showcase the Era of relevance! It is the right and duty of ourselves to look up and understand, do we participate in a world just like others, or do we look up in order to lead from the front to build the goal of a just society!

A Journey of understanding the fact that we have come across, various situations of our Global History. It is here where we decide, what is that we wanted to take up for our life and for our generations to who are yet to be born. It is here where we decide how you are gonna raise your voice with the right choice. It is here we decide about the journey as well as the precise path of the movement. It is here we decide about the great harvest that the movement is gonna travel with young mind, harvest of goodness in all of us.

In this journey, Joseph Kamal Francis as National leader, it is my duty to tell all the brave young minds that the world needs to take a greater step in order to reach greater heights. The Society has to continue to grow up in the right path which makes every young mind in all the corner of the world to Grow. Growth via adding the new flavor, different dimension, bright perspective, strong energy, higher goals, powerful vision, smart solution and diverse approach with great intention towards journey of growth.

Today, if you feel the same energy that I do, if you feel the same urgency that I do, if you feel the same passion I do, if you feel the same hopefulness that I do - if we do what we must do, then I have no doubts that all across the country, We will rise up to Believe, begin and Become better global citizens to live for nothing but die for something in this Awe Inspiring World

The world at Large is fighting for it's survival, and now I ask you, do you have a minute to listen and try to change live a life that's worth it!!!

Please Ask yourself, are you really aware!
Ask yourself, do you reallyreflect!
Ask yourself, do you reallyAct!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Understanding US!!!

I am grateful and thankful that I work, these days, coz that’s where I find myself a little happy because of the wonderful people I have come across, in this journey and also few bitter moments to pass by, all for good of something, we now are a part of Team of fourteen, leaded by a hardcore Indian Leader , as my daily work also the team’s majority work is to manage the daily operations of various inflows and outflows and projects that take place along for the good of the organization.
We moved our Journey as a team, but the understanding, that the leader needs to accept everybody as one and carry on, still happens but to a greater extent the bonding mattered and the ship slowly started sinking, which led me to a greater amount of reflection to understand, what’s that been lacking and I couldn’t figure out where are we heading! So I took up to understand a little bit of understanding WE!
Leadership as defined, by wise men, who defined, your defined who you work for!! And not by whom you work under!! Growing as a team, since being the most number of team across, having the most number, we felt that we worked under clusters under various domains, which felt that the team had to struggle and understand that there is to much in the taking when it comes in the taking! I’m referring to the stretch and the man- power hours to take control and the accountability that mattered, but here comes the idea, of the responsibility to recognize the fact the people who work for long hours!!!
Now that recognition, takes a long way to come, because, you now come to the picture of daily operations taking in the manual way, which includes lot of manual labor, realizing the fact that the art of responsibility lies with the leader, which need to be addressed, which is a long way in the picture, because of the reality that the leader doesn’t understand the real picture.
Now, where are we as a team!, work happens, and move on, people tend to forget their value of being recognized in a team, and they still tend to understand that, survival matters and that the problem of  getting behind fingers pointed at one’s face becomes a fear and that the bond of the team is finally lost.
At this juncture, what now matters wasn’t a life time of experience but a simple value of empathy, that encourages oneself to accept the art that even the other is slow, there is still that saying that we are part of a great team and that’s when the team is reborn to do something good for everybody!
Being a leader of the 21st Generation, we still need to accept times have changed and not look up to accept what life was back in the generations that passed by, we are a team and only when the leader leads the team is built.
A successful team isn’t determined by the output each individual delivers but the amount of group photographs the team smiles and accepts to take together, will determine the family!

The world is rapid and it’s time to understand that reality must not be just a dream but in practice!
Joseph Kamal Francis

To be continued!

Saturday, June 15, 2019


 “A Different Dimension In Order To Connect With the Reality” 

Education, Employment, Civic Engagement and Migration are Major Issues Concerning Youth in Asian countries. If young minds develop & training themself to face as well as withstand these four drastically evolving challenge they can reach a meaningful life. They climb into the higher social status, and they will climb in their economically status and what not? 

Governments, Non-Government and research based Organization are looking into various factors which affects these four factors of current generation’s as growth indicators. While summarizing these development strategy youngster must be also aware of the poisonous process which there are about to participate. Comparing to previous generation the social system and social structure are evolving too fast where there is less time for adaptation. This makes youth often remain in a vulnerable situation and lack the requisite knowledge and skills to adapt to the changing economic and social environment. 

In other dimension, a particular group who keeps experiencing Long-term unemployment leads to a wide range of social ills to which young people are susceptible such as delinquency and substance abuse, and often feeds political unrest and violence. In addition, exacerbating the situation are very limited knowledge and poor access to health services related to the prevention of HIV infection, drug use and other health risks, particularly among those who are out-of-school in rural areas. 

Similar perspective also makes me to think how other social institution tries to tackle evolving social problems. Religious Institution, Traditional Institution and Tribal Institution are potential enough to resolve the issues quicker than any other institution which leads these institution based communities to climb the social ladder in a better speed. But the question of Youthful life among young minds remains unanswered. 

Since the time of early humans, the solution were simple to all complex problems. In the same manner we can also try to tackle problems of current generation. Let’s imagine that you brought your favorite car this week and started using it every day. So whenever you cross a speed breaker you slowdown the car and again raise the speed in an empty road. What just happened? You handle the brake properly whenever it’s necessary, you took care of the car’s suspension, parts of the car was protected, and passengers were comfortable. If you do thing same things over and over the car will be function good for many years, if not then the life of the car will be reduced to few years. There were lot of things happening when you applied break. Similar to this application, life is also functioning is a same manner.

 It’s all about applying break in your life whenever you feel negative about your day/ week and start to balance various things. Balancing provides time and space to unlearn and relearn where you can rediscover solution to problems. Once we attain this ability to apply break and balance in your life, Youthfulness with take birth. It will slowly change your life with enormous amount of youthfulness. And when you practice this from a young age we can master it. 

Ebin Navis
Loyola College, Chennai

Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Moment of Uplift- An Experience

I have always been a great fan of workplace coz that’s where I understood, that there is equality. As I was a much matured guy right from the days of my teens and pre-teens and the workplace was the only place I felt much happy as there was that equality which made me to always be there.

Looking behind life ahead in my 3 years of my experience, and listening to fellow colleagues, made me realize, that there’s always a difference when you not only look up into your life and growth but see the growth in others, the process of accompaniment was a different experience rather a cherished experience to me as it helped me to express a whole lot of things to a lot of people.

Many stalwarts always have this interest that they know, much of ideas and thought process, but a certain set of motivation to bring it out, which is where they needed me as I played the role of somebody who gave presence and value.

Things seem very much interested when I moved up the ladder, as I had to look into a lot of business stuff and maintaining that constant rapport which the situation favored, that’s where I discovered Sharespace a simple platform where you send something in mail, on a daily basis, where you keep the many motivated to do something they are part of, or at least to keep the interest not differ away.

It went on a simple journey, until it went on a discovery to do something, known as the Employee Appreciation Day, as a part of department’s journey where each colleague will write something about their fellow colleagues, which brought a lot of change, many employee had their hearts open out and the moment of uplift to many, who where never heard of.

It took a lot of sacrifice in listening to the sharing of senior pros who had a lot of memoires to cherish and share and the evening was little colorful moments cherished till today.

Life’s moments may have been a lot of many ups and downs and some bitter moments, but the uplift matters and that’s when you come up in life.

Joseph Kamal Francis

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Does Humane Leader still Exist?

In the recent days, I was deeply saddened by the incidents that moved me a little to much for me to write here, a devastating trauma, for the world when suddenly an unprecedented attack that took place to the Mother of Diversity New Zealand and the demise of Late Mr Manohar Parrikar, the former chief minister of Goa .

The world saw a sudden terror attack in New Zealand, on the eve of prayer in Mosque in Christchurch and the demise of a whole lot of people suddenly left the entire world speechless ,many losing their loved ones and the entire Newzealand was in deep mourning condemning a lot of people behind, but to me what stood so meaningful, was the immediate response of the efforts made by the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and her efforts to reunite a country devastated stood by heart as a special one which we can find a leader of a generation who is born.

In her efforts to address the world immediately, she mentions this in her statement which was a unifying word of comfort and affection for the world
“we -- New Zealand -- we were not a target because we are a safe harbor for those who hate. We were not chosen for this act of violence because we condone racism, because we are an enclave for extremism. We were chosen for the very fact that we are none of these things. Because we represent diversity, kindness, compassion, a home for those who share our values, refuge for those who need it. And those values, I can assure you, will not, and cannot, be shaken by this attack.
We are a proud nation of more than 200 ethnicities, 160 languages. And amongst that diversity we share common values. And the one that we place the currency on right now -- and tonight -- is our compassion and support for the community of those directly affected by this tragedy.
And secondly, the strongest possible condemnation of the ideology of the people who did this.
You may have chosen us -- but we utterly reject and condemn you.”
And made the world to unite through her envisioning words for the country to unite.
As a leader of the masses, she unites to attend the memorial along with the fellow Muslims she portrayed herself the strongest quality that many leaders of all masses need to look into and a lesson to be learnt, “the Empathetic leader”.
She meets and greets fellow Muslim friends in care and concern and realizes and mentions
“But I believe what I have done has not been about Leadership;
I have simply echoed the humanity of New Zealanders “
It tells us that though we may distinguish ourselves as leaders, we need to always accept diversity and practice empathy and brotherhood and also distinguishes us as Global Citizens for the common world.

And also to this far extent we witnessed the demise of Late Mr Manohar Parrikar, the Former Chief Minister of Goa who also portayed what it takes to be a humane leader to the world
And what it takes to have empathy for the common good for the world.

A leader who travels along with the general public and the one attends the house irrespective of health condition and always looks to smile against the odds with courage and determination.

These two leaders made us understand that life seems quite different through their inspiring leadership and the humane factor that makes them stand out to define the world, a Global Leaders of the modern era.

So, Does humane leader still exists, certainly Yes, but there is still a long way to go!

Do You have what it takes to be humane in your efforts to make the world a better place to live in?

Joseph Kamal Francis

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Is True Learning? Still a Dream

I have always been a great fan of workplace coz that’s where I found rejuvenation and I found life. Like always I am also part of a big team of fourteen under four different structures internally and we make us of the opportunity the normal as always.

We meet as a team every week for our regular weekly team huddle and that’s where we discuss our day to day analysis of the week and also discuss our plan for the upcoming weeks.

There was this one week, when we sat for the usual huddle where the team decided to plan for a newly migrated process into our workplace and there was this least expectation to train at least eight of them in the battalion.

The Head informs that there will be this eight of us who will get cross trained and the other two will get to train to take care of the rest, and the remaining two will continue to take care of the rest as there has been so much escalation leading to financial loss because of them.

I t made me a bit angry and I was quite upset about it, which made me realize? Where is true learning? How do we define ourselves just because one doesn’t do work in a proper way? And only when one gets a chance to learn something new? , then alone he/ she can make or get a better chance to prove that one is capable to moving mountain, it possibly made me understand where is the modern workplace leading? a basic understanding is where are today’s leaders guiding the team members to?

True learning to define is a way of life which comes where one that puts an extra step to get to know something from the normal routine in which he or she is into leading the ultimate goal of change. It is not a process of unlearning or relearning but a way of life that one continues till eternity.

Learning doesn’t get stopped just because one makes mistakes in life. We believe a known fact that failure is also a stepping stone to success and that’s when we get opportunities we get to move ahead in life, chances we take in life, we get to prove who we are and it makes us special.

Now understanding, that this is a common situation that happens in almost everywhere, we need to understand that there arose a greater sense of understanding that leaders who lead teams need to take note into, coz, no one is special and everyone is special and motivating them to do the best matters a must.

The world at large is so captivating and there is this common known fact of unequal society which we have been talking for almost generations and it is no one else rather we who have made it as we have found it.

As Young leaders it is time, we need to be a little aware of our individuals whom we move along wherever we are, and be more adaptive for life.

As leaders at workplace, we need to be proactive in adapting what it takes to be a universal leader one who portrays empathy as a priority and only when a just society is born.

Our way of life is adapted to where we started way a long time back, but is always matters to take that extra eight steps than the usual two to reach the ultimate goal of learning for life where everyone is given his/ her due to be there and to prove that his strength which will benefit none the less where one supports.


Joseph Kamal Francis


Sunday, March 24, 2019


In my workplace, we always had this opportunity to express our thoughts and ideas and whatever we feel matters most to us, similar to a platform, like TED, where you will be asked to choose your topic of interest and to share your thoughts and ideas, and I chose the topic on Stop Searching Your Passion, which created a interest and buzz on everyone.
I would like to ask you a few questions? Basic definition for a Passion and what according to you is Passion.
And everyone started replying that, they had something to do in common or something that keeps them going, and something that pushes them to do better.
So what it does mean to go a little deeper in understanding, we may find so many different aspects of life, many hobbies that were born along with us and we leave them aside till today.
Passion comes from a various forefront and its enables us personally to do better in what we wanted to tell our community around. Passion comes on various aspects, and I will be sharing to you on the basic two aspects which I find quite important for today.
How Culture Impacts the Passion we hold and how our Peers are involved in our passion!
Culture to a greater extent has impacted our passion of recent days, especially with individuals moving down  especially with most of our teenagers after college desperately looking to go into a regular paid job, which only curtails to a conclusion, that passion’s are for temporary and for the long term commitment , it’s a failure.
It reminded me of a friend of mine, whose passion is on trekking and travel adventure, but due to his family and personal commitments, had to leave away his passion beside and to concentrate on a regular 9 to 5 paid job, which still is a struggle, due to many commitments that he holds to himself. We call it life of 21st century, where any individual who has money saved, but still he feels poor, amidst rapid economic and money and the rise in prices.
So where does passion stand here, where we need to raise a question to ourselves, to understand, what is needed and required to understand!
We are in the epitome of our society where our relevance is questioned, and it is we, who have destined it as we have found it.
This goes to the existence on the most important part, where on how our peers influence passion, where any individual , whose identity stands apart is determined by the team , he works along and influences by.
It is here, one needs to understand what it takes to understand how your in the team , despite all odds, we need to understand, where we stand in a world where there is no mutual growth and what needs to change right now, in this society of inequality, we need to realize what it takes to be part of a great team, inturn seeing the results ,not only seeing in our passion to grow and also seeing here where we understand we grow in a mutual state of life.
Finally I would like to reinstate to understand how does failure help you to reorganize your passion? We may have our passions, but when failure bows down, we tend to realize we stop, at most instances and it’s the end.
Thus Passion becomes an art and life’s need to be lived as a lesson forever.
Life lived on earth is once, let our life be praised for generations.

Joseph Kamal Francis

Friday, March 15, 2019


I was always fortunate, in being part of a Global Organization in being part of IYCS and the experience it adds is still valuable even though I am not directly connected.Life began in the Year 2016 when I first made a visit to Delhi all alone to experience and Plan for the upcoming event, the then XVII National Council, in Delhi which happened in May 2016.I started off in my favorite Tamilnadu express, night at 22:00 hours all the way from Chennai. The Journey Kicked off sharing the space with a foreigner who almost in 30 degrees heat still wore an jacket when all the world the entire train was in heat of the south. I sat down and the journey began the memorable 30 hours long journey to the capital, while stopping in between at Nagpur to spend some time with the little lady Sabrina, another YCS member. who prepare good lunch and stopping down at Bhopal for dinner. It was my 1st experience of travelling all alone, with just 150 rupees, since I wasn’t much ado when it comes to earning. The Journey went through and we finally landed in the smoke covered capital, landed almost with just 20 rupees, where the place I wanted to travel is almost 5 miles from the railway station.

I was enquiring almost to everybody in view of catching a bus , and there I stopped by speaking to guy from my own language, who is protestant, by action. He asked me where I need to go and I said I will manage by bus, just let me know, just took me hold by hand and took me by auto. I never replied by anything and just went along with him and I got down finally the place I wanted to reach, without even hesitating, he left and then passed by.

It’s been three years that’s passed by and I realize how beautiful life is even today, when the whole world is in so much anxiety and stress and tension, I realized finding God in real life is when this simple incident happened and without hesitating, the art of help arose and it happened.

Life’s best moments happened not based on how long you live, but rather the moments that made you live.
    In this rapid changing world of technology and the no time to talk to someone , do you find God in real life?
Joseph Kamal Francis


  I was recently on a pilgrimage to accompany few young people, on their 1 ST Experience of Visiting Velankanni Shrine, Nagapattinam and al...