Friday, October 11, 2024



I was recently on a pilgrimage to accompany few young people, on their 1ST Experience of Visiting Velankanni Shrine, Nagapattinam and also Chennai. And in Velankanni, we have had this tradition of Kneeling towards Mother Mary, maybe a long tradition to accept that we are all sinners and there is change of life that happens and also if any prayers unanswered, we kneel and we bring to Mother Mary and the prayers will get answered.

In the Heat of the Morning, 3 youth pilgrims (Raj,Matthew,Vishwajeet) decided that they will set along the journey to reflect God and also pray for the Catholic Church and also for the Youth Ministry. So since its going to be humid and children will be tired I set aside to accompany and pray along with them and we began our journey, it was 12.15pm afternoon, scorching like Heat coming along to u directly and we began, as the journey began I started reflecting on the Gift, experience on how important today’s role of an Animator for Young People.

When with Young People , the First Priority is to be with them, and accompany them wherever they are, as Young are always vulnerable just by our presence they feel great and accompanied and there is always a sense of belief in their journey that they can accomplish.

It was a journey that Underwent in Sand and the Piligrims started trembling and they needed an extra spiritual support then I started praying along with them just to keep away the pain and we continued our journey.

It was the Youth of the Catholic Church hence there were many intentions to seek prayers and we began to reflect ask pardon and also to invoke blessings and we prayed the Rosary for Strength and Forgiveness and lead us closer to  Mother Mary.

When with Young People, the Second Priority is to give them Freedom, to Explore, many at times as an Guide and Animator we give them Advise and we do not allow them to explore, I was personally happy in the Journey, when we began I only shared about that there is this pilgirm experience that is life changing and may be we shall pray for motivation and then decide if we want to take up! And some motivation, brought the 3 Greatest People I journeyed with.

We continued our Journey praying for the Good Health of the People who journeyed with us in Life and one Youth Matthew decided that he will walk along accompanying the rest in the journey.It was here we see on the Unbound love of Mother Mary to protect us, in the beautiful experience and help to complete what was started.

When with Young People, the Third Priority is to be watchful and take care of them, any where anytime, Young do not need gadgets, but all they need was to care, protect and support them in their journey, amist our busy schedule it is very challenging to accept and see Young people Grow.

It is here that I observed on the Inspiration led by Raj, the Present ICYM President for the Youth of the Catholic Church, any leader calls for servanthood and the greatest servant was Jesus Christ, in the Journey I observed he was so calm, so thoughtful and so accompanying to pray for all the Youth and also for the Religious who support Youth Ministry. Maybe in recent times I never experienced this.

We were half way and tired and drenched and we still believed Mother Mary is there and she will protect us, I started to feel drained and drowsy and felt a migraine I was out, by then, just then a person came back and asked if we need water and I guided them to get back and come and seemed Mother Mary itself came, and then after coming closer, it was another Pilgrim Apurva ( there is also a personal testimony “Every Knee Shall Bow”) writte by her on her experience of journey to Mother Mary. Now that we are more stronger we continued to pray for the Catholic Church and for the Youth Ministry and also we prayed for the families of Raj,Viswajeet and Mathew and also for the participants who were with us.

We felt Great as we began our final journey of coming closure to Mother Mary, we felt happier since we prayed and personally I prayed after a while for the people who made significant impact in what shaped me to be me.We prayed for all who seeked our prayers and we felt maybe someday the prayers will be answered.

We kneeled in the final seeking the blessing of Mother Mary and there is life and we felt we are different, and there is an experience of LIFE that we have got it and we continue to carry it in our hearts to our Fellow Youth we meet in our Parish and wherever we are.

Why Being with Young People always is Life Changing is that everybody you ever meet knows something you don't and Young people always will have a different experience and when we journey with them we feel one among them.

I felt Great and Saw GOD IN REAL LIFE!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Every Knee shall bow


A Pilgrimage to Velankanni and my blending with the holy verse, Phillipians 2:10-11, is a story I want to tell. A fine Saturday, we reached at Velankanni as Pilgrims. Every one had their own reasons to be there. Mine was duty, but reaching there and breathing that air, changed something inside me. The Sun was on Killer mode and we were there wandering Church to Church. I went solo to sit on a quiet place to reflect upon my life and my faith. After sitting for a while and photographing the majestic Churches, I started returning when I saw some of my friends kneeling and walking all the way to the shrine of the Holy Mother in scorching Sun. I ran to them as I knew they might need some help along the way of their penance. I was not of much help since I was just holding water bottles and praying the rosary for their wishes to come true. Their faces filled with sweat and pain moved me. There and then I knew, that humans are something other than what I understand. I was feeling something more than empathy, it was a connection to their soul. Their faces moved me, their tears made me question the definitions of Love.

It was something out of ordinary in my life. Faith.. what is it? Do I have enough? Do I love enough? Am I feeling the spirit with which I was baptized? These questions filled my mind. It came naturally to me to pray for those who were devotedly walking on their knees. I knew then that I would do it too, but alone, when no one was watching. Slowly, we reached to the end of the path and they finished their walk. Their knees were all screwed, their skin all red, their clothes all dirty and their face was full of sweat. They were so tired that they talked little. The mystery for me here was the ‘shine’ in their eyes, so magical, so beautiful!

At night, on the same day after dinner, everyone went their own way and one of my friends was with me. I asked her to hold my things for me till I return. I gave away all I had on me including my glasses. I knew I was going to kneel and the sweat makes the glasses fall. As I knelt, it didn’t feel hard. I started praying my rosary moving forward. I had no specific intention in my heart but had a long list of prayers that were handed to me before I left for the pilgrimage. I started remembering the list and paying to the holy mother. Slowly the pain started growing and growing without any signs of relief. Now, I am not even 1/10th the way and I have left my glasses behind which disabled me to see, how much further I need to go! The knees already started killing me, and I came on 4 limbs. I was not even 1.5/10th the way and the thought of quitting already crossed my mind. Then suddenly our big brother came and started walking alongside me to support me since he might have heard I am kneeling.

I was a little embarrassed, since I wanted to kneel alone but I am always quick to accept God’s will, so I was cool with him accompanying me. He started praying the rosary too while walking behind me and it filled me with courage to continue. Now even though my knees were killing me and I was giving up in my mind every second, I was actually not giving up! During this time, I already prayed for all the intensions that were sent via me. Now what do I do? The pain was already killing me! Then my hand touched the crucifix of my rosary which was on my right hand while I was walking on my 4 limbs since I could no longer continue on 2. I felt the crucifix deeply, kept it inside my pocket, tucked my kurta which was hindering my kneeling and started again. This time I had the lingering feeling of the crucifix. It reminded me of the Calvary where Jesus went through all the pain just for our sake. I was constantly thinking how he mentally managed to continue walking and my eyes were filled with tears, my face with sweat and my stupid bangs on my face made all of these worse! As I continued, I don’t even remember how many times I stopped, brushed of the sand embedded on my knees and continued walking. I wasn’t able to see how far I have come, or how far I need to go, since I didn’t have my glasses on, which made it harder for me to continue. I knew I was not going to give up halfway. I remembered the faces of my family smiling and continued. I saw Jesus bleeding and I continued. I stopped and then again continued on Repeat. The pain was, honestly speaking, unbearable for me. Still, I only knew that I was not going to give up. After 2 hours of dead knees, swollen palms, wet clothes with sweat I reached the end. There was an iron rod that marks the end of the path. I touched it and I broke down. I was heavy and light at the same time. I was overwhelmed. I didn’t understand the reason. I had prayed for everyone I know. My tears weren’t stopping but I wasn’t thinking anything at all. When I stopped, I was grateful that Jesus did it for me. The pain was real. I went through just a tiny fraction of what he went through and it was unbearable, challenging, tough, hard, rigorous, demanding, complicated, heavy, rough, and all the other synonyms of hard, then how hard would it have been for him! My lord!

Something has been changed after that. Mummy Mary never left my side from the beginning to the end and she never will.

 I am a different woman since that night. I see faith and penance in a whole new light. I encourage everyone to do it at least once wholeheartedly, with faith, love and devotion, to have a renewed heart in them, which is the source of all peace on earth. Every knee shall bow and mine did too..

Apurva Xess

ICYM Youth Reflect on Feeling the 'Love of Our Holy Mother' During Vailankanni Pilgrimage

Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) organized a youth pilgrimage to Vailankanni and Chennai from September 13 to 15. Thirty-five young pilgrims from across India, including Rev. Fr. Dominic Pinto, Associate Executive Secretary to the CCBI Youth Commission, and key ICYM leaders such as National President Mr. Raj Bagh, participated in this spiritually enriching journey.

The pilgrimage took the youth to significant Christian sites, including the Vailankanni Shrine, St. Thomas Mount, St. Thomas Shrine, and Annai Vailankanni Church. At St. Thomas Mount, Rev. Fr. Michael, Rector of the shrine, shared insights on the life of St. Thomas, offering a deep connection to the apostle's legacy.

Ms. Apurva Xess, ICYM NEXCO member, echoed this sentiment, stating, "This pilgrimage brought me to a stage of faith where I felt the love of our Holy Mother."

The event concluded with a Thanksgiving Mass at Vailankanni Basilica on September 15, celebrated by Rev. Fr. Dominic Pinto, marking the end of a journey that left the youth renewed in their faith and filled with hope.

This pilgrimage not only brought the youth closer to their faith but also fostered unity and shared devotion, creating lasting memories of spiritual growth and transformation.

I was fortunate to host this important group as it helped me to build and meet next face of Youth and it helped me share a greater faith to experience God in real life.


Friday, September 6, 2024


  I recently had my Birthday on 31st August, and which brought me to the next phase of life of the 30’s era and that I felt happy since there is finally some maturity to happen and growth for life. It’s on this day where I realized that the world has transformed to wish in Facebook which is also automated, Instagram wishes also automated and also in other ways where our technology has improved. I was happier when the first phone call had come from a friend of mine, who wanted to check upon something and then in between realized it was my birthday so again called and wished back. I realized that the power of picking up the phone call and calling is possibly dead which reminded me of the past when we used the basic telephone to call and speak to our friends and relatives and of the past where since I am in India the Basic BSNL- that gave u the option of calling at night after 10.00pm till morning 06.00am as free. Dramatically life has changed for Good and sadly we have lost the past of connecting mutually and it’s come to a stage where we see some one asking How are you? Reply comes as Check my SOCIAL MEDIA.

WHY it is Important to call Somebody or maybe a Friend!

1.      Calling helps in a Greater way where we could connect emotionally, the struggles sadness and happiness all in one Go.

2.      There were days where we reminded calling on Birthdays by Marking in the Calendar and wishing them on their special occasions.

3.      Speaking helps to reduce mental health worries and sadness and we feel more connected.

4.      It also finds a way to sustain a relationship and that every time there is something new that is shared and kept as a memory.

5.      Calling and speaking is a great stress buster one takes for life and cherishes and anticipates the next moment when the next call is going to come.


Overall simple thumb rule spending many hours on watching social media can help to bring laughter but speaking to a friend over phone can go a long way in reducing mental health and keeps you smiling and happy.

 When was the last time you ever called someone to talk to them? You may share the same in comments!


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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Celebrating Madras Day Postcrossing Meetup

    I was happy to be part of the Madras Day Postcrossing Meetup that took place on 24th August Saturday in Gandhi mandapam, Chennai. An interesting part where I took an Young Individual along with Me for the 1st time to understand the Inquisitiveness of Postcrossing, and passing the legacy to the next generation. The evening began with the launch of two great postcards designed by  Ajit and Mouli Priya from Postally Postcards a growing Entrepreneurs in the field of Postcards. 

    We also had few senior postcrossers sharing their experience of growing in Postcrossing and also the key aspects of how important it is to sustain and safeguard the journey of always awaiting guests through letters.

We also had postcrossers sharing their journey and experience which felt melted and energized 

- An Great Postcrosser who shared his experience of meeting people through postcards and finally got a job through post crossing.

-An Ardent Postcrosser came all the way from Coimbatore just to be there in the evening to share her experience of Pen pal and also her journey of meeting a lot of people through writing letters.

-An Inspiring Postcrosser who came to Chennai to study from Kerala and settled and met her life partner in Chennai and sustained the Journey of Postcrossing until today and also on the advise to the newbies on the sustained relationship we meet through postcards and the people we live by.

-An Wonderful Postcrosser who sustained her life's depression through Postcrossing and takes it an Mission to write and make everyone write and also her tips on how important it is to manage today's postal cycle of sending letters.

-Also my friend who shared his experience of writing 5 Postcards and almost everyday checking to know if actually the cards reached.

    It was a special evening where all signed meetup cards and felt great to be a big personality and smiles and happiness around us, and also signified the journey that together we can do great things in a simple way.

            Madras Day meetup card launched and received by Inspiring Personalities.
                                                I had the privilege to meet  
L-R  - Prof Dr Jai Sakthivel from Madras University,Ms.Flynn George, 
           Ms.Priyadharshini, Mr.Rowan Sanil along with Host Ajit and Mouli Priya from                   Postally Postcards

#photooftheday #post #picoftheday #snailmailrevolution #stamp #italia #penpals #design #philately #card #summer #photo #instagood #sea #mailart #drawing #happypostcrossing #sendmoremail #outgoingmail #travelgram #watercolor #cards snailmaillove #postcardcollection #postkarte #sunset

Monday, August 12, 2024

Understanding Student Reality of Today

Had a chance to officiate a session for Sunday school catechism teachers on Student psychology and understanding best practices for teachers on how to handle difficult situations. It was participated by 16 teachers and the feedback was overwhelming and positive as it felt more motivating.
There was a chance to explore new ideas and lot of sharing as it helped them to rediscover themselves

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Aloha! To Somebody whose reading out there! Its been a long while since I wrote about something and wanted a thought maybe why not write for all 31 days in August and maybe a spark comes out and that spark brings Change!

Stay Tuned!!!


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

visit to historical museum

Ony return from Perumpannaiyur 
I was fortunate to visit a museum in memory of the Greatest leaders of all time,
The place was a wonderful learning experience for me to understand on his historical and cultural place and also on his leadership abilities and the important landmarks during his period.
I was grateful on the AI setup made which made me pick a photo with the leader himself.
Like this i wish i plan and visit many more museum of leaders

Visit to majestic place

I was fortunately blessed to have been researching on this awe wonders of the world, it was a sudden thought as I had completed an exam which I had almost appeared 8 attempts before the sudden thought that I am Joseph and the place that I am visiting is also Joseph so decided to travel to thiruvarur and to visit a place called Perumpannaiyur, the majestic st Joseph's church. The greatest journey in which travelled on 30th June 1st July Sunday reached and visited the church and came back.
Why this place is because of the awe inspiring story behind and how for a generation this church Wass buit, i still couldn't make it as to how without much of development this architecture is built.
The present place is a little worn out since of the maintenance and financial situation.
But a majestic place to be.

2nd Year of Catechism

14th July Sunday 
I was recently part of a Catechism Sunday school family gathering in one of our teachers home, we had a wonderful thought on life values and care and concern to open up on who we are and what we do, the evening was well spent with Potluck and was also blessed by a drizzle of rain which made our evening happy.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Blissful Meetup!

As it was the New Year, I was fortunate to participate in the 1st Post Crossing meetup for the Year happened on the 7th of January 2024 Sunday on a rainy evening.

The evening setup was as blissful and special for a lot of young people to join together to write through.

I had the opportunity to sign along a post card along with fellow post-crossers which made the feeling special.

The evening had encountered experiences which had a IT professional who draws his own post cards, and also to encounter signatures in seals which was different.

Looking forward to more meetups in 2024.


  I was recently on a pilgrimage to accompany few young people, on their 1 ST Experience of Visiting Velankanni Shrine, Nagapattinam and al...